JOB POSTING: Probationary Firefighter

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Jack Coppola
Posts: 12
Joined: Mon Sep 02, 2024 8:21 pm

The Bureau of Fire Operations of the Fire Department of Liberty City is one of two bureaus available to prospective candidates, with the second bureau being the Bureau of EMS Operations. The Bureau of Fire Operations provides response and support for various types of fires, both inland and marine. The Bureau of Fire Operations currently holds six types of different companies - Engine, Ladder (or Truck), Squad, Rescue, Hazardous Materials (HazMat) and Marine. Alongside fire supression, the Bureau of Fire Operations also responds to sitations including, but not limited to, search and rescue incidents, contamination incidents, building collapses and major emergencies.

The Bureau of Fire Operations is currently lead by Chief Jack Coppola following the appointment of Timothy Gallagher as the Chief of Department.

Main Duties
  • Respond to all Fire-Related reports
  • Respond to Motor Vehicle Collisions
  • Provide Medical Support upon request.
  • Maintain & Prepare Assigned Apparatus when Idle.
  • Provide Community Support
  • Engage the community in Fire Awareness
  • Other Duties As Assigned
Rank Structure

All candidates who have recently graduated from the FDNY Firefighter Academy will automatically be assigned to the rank of Probationary Firefighter, who are by this stage fully trained and certified in providing Emergency First Aid & CPR, Extinguishing Fires and Technical Rescues. While at the rank of Probationary Firefighter, personnel will be expected to attend calls with a fellow FDNY colleague who is at the rank of Firefighter or above with the exception of emergency situations in which permission will need to be previously acquired.

Once the Probationary Firefighter has passed all set criteria for the Probationary stage, they are subject to a possibility of a promotion to Firefighter, who remain trained at the same level of care but are able to both attend calls solo where needed and also assist in the supervision of new graduates.

As you progress through the department, you will have opportunities to obtain new certifications that will assist you as you make your way up the ranks.


Before applying for a position with the Bureau of Fire Operations, prospective applicants should review the following requirements;
  • Must possess a valid Liberty City driver's license.
  • Must have a clean criminal record.*
  • Must be a lawful citizen of the United States of America.
  • Must hold, or have an equivalent to, a High School Diploma.
  • Must be at least twenty-one (21) years old at the time of induction.
  • Must have a high level of understanding and capability in reading, writing and speaking English.


  • Must be in good standing with other factions.
  • Must be able to dedicate a solid amount of activity towards the faction per week.

Please note that certain infractions and misdemeanors will not count towards having a negative background check. If you are unsure about any charges, please contact the Recruitment & Retention Command Team who will get back to you as soon as possible with a verdict.

(( Much like our rule pertaining to Criminal Records, being banned from another faction does not immediately eliminate your chances of being accepted into the FDLC. We deal with these on a case-by-case basis and kindly ask that you PM a member of Retention & Recruitment Command in order for us to look into your ban and decide on a verdict. The only case in which this does not apply is if the ban is from FDLC, in which case you must go through the appropriate channels in order to appeal your ban with the faction directly.

In regards to the activity rule, if you are in multiple factions then we kindly ask you to attempt to keep up a 50-50 activity within both factions. This may be checked on without warning by either R&R Command or the FDLC Department Executives and you may be at risk of removal from either one or both factions if you fail to maintain a stable level of activity throughout both commitments. ))

Application Process

The Application Process is pretty straight forward. The applicant will go through FOUR (4) stages prior to their lucky first day on the job. These Four (4) stages are as follows:

1. Applicant Eligibility & Review

As your application enters the Eligibility & Review phase, the R&RU reviews many key components prior to making their decision. The main criteria that the R&RU is looking for is Criminal Record & Citizenship. Applicants and employees alike are held to a high standard, as these individuals will, or actively, serve the community on a day-to-day basis, and must be held to a professional standard. Each applicant's criminal background will be reviewed.** Upon complete review, the application will be forwarded to internal R&RU personnel to reach a verdict on whether or not the applicant will proceed to the next step of the Application Process.

**Should an applicant be charged, or convicted, of a criminal offence during their Review stage, or any stage thereafter, applicant should immediately inform their handler for next steps.

2. Interview

As the applicant passes their Eligibility & Review stage, they will be contacted directly by their Handler to determine a date, location and time for their In-Person interview. This interview will gauge many aspects of your professional history, and personality traits. The Handler will get to know you on a brief basis, while also getting to know your background and qualifications more carefully. The interview is recorded, both audibly and transcriptionally, for further review. Each applicant should come mentally prepared and dress in a business-casual attire.

3. Initial Examination

As the applicant passes their Interview, they will be given access to a Preliminary Examination. This examination is to gauge the knowledge that pre-exists within the applicant. The applicant must complete the Preliminary Examination with a minimum score of 80% in order to pass. The examination is not made to be difficult. The examination will continue simple terms, basic First Aid and Response criteria. Guides will be available to the applicant prior to the examination.

4. Assignment & Training

The final stage of the Application Process is the Assignment & Training process. You have passed each stage prior and have been offered a spot as a Probationary Firefighter. In this last stage, you will be invited down to Headquarters in order to receive your Station Assignment, Unit Assignment and Training** schedules. Welcome Aboard & Good Luck!

**Training is done in an on-going manner. There is currently no academy requirement.


Title: [FIRE] Firstname Lastname

Code: Select all

[divbox=white][hr][/hr][header][/header][center][b][size=110]PROBATIONARY FIREFIGHTER APPLICATION[/size][/b][/center][hr][/hr]
Thank you for your interest in joining the Bureau of Fire Operations of the Liberty City Fire Department. Please take your time in filling out the following application truthfully and to the best of your ability. If you are found to be providing false information, your application will be denied and you will be removed from the recruitment process alongside running the risk of being banned for future recruitment drives. Accurate information will allow for swift processing of your application and ensure we are able to process your application correctly.

Please delete or tick answers where appropriate and fill out this application with as much information as possible.

If you have any questions, please submit them through our e-mail (( FAQ/Q&A Thread )), where we will be happy to assist with any questions or concerns you have. 

[b][center]Personal Information[/center][/b]

[b]1.1 Title:[/b] [i](Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss)[/i]
[b]1.2 First Name:[/b] [i]Answer[/i]
[b]1.3 Middle Name:[/b] [i](Please mark N/A if not applicable)[/i]
[b]1.4 Last Name:[/b] [i]Answer[/i]

[b]1.5 Date of Birth:[/b] [i]DD/MMM/YYYY (e.g 14/NOV/1982)[/i]
[b]1.6 Contact Number:[/b] [i]Answer[/i]
[b]1.7 Email Address:[/b] [i]Answer[/i]

[b]1.8 Height (X'X", feet and inches):[/b] [i]Answer[/i]
[b]1.9 Weight (lbs):[/b] [i]Answer[/i]

[b]1.8 Place of Birth:[/b] [i]Hospital/Area, City, State[/i]
[b]1.9 Residential Address:[/b] [i]House/Building No., House/Building Name, Street Name, Area, State[/i]

[b]1.10 Do you have impairments or deficiencies?[/b] [i]Yes/No[/i]
[list=none][b]1.10a If yes, please elaborate: [i](Please put N/A if not applicable)[/i][/list]

[b]1.11 Do you have a medical record? If so, please elaborate:[/b]


[b]2.1.1 Name of High School:[/b]
[b]2.1.2 Year of Graduation:[/b]

[b]2.2.1 Name of College/University:[/b]
[b]2.2.2 Qualification:[/b]
[b]2.2.3 Year of Graduation:[/b]

[b]2.3 Do you speak any other language other than English fluently?[/b]
[b][center]Employment History[/center][/b]

[b]3.1 Have you applied for or been employed with the FDLC in any capacity in the last month? Please elaborate if so.[/b]

[b]3.2 Do you have a history in Military Service? If so, elaborate:[/b]

[b]3.4 List any previous employments below:[/b] (Please delete or add fields as necessary)

[b]Name of Company/Employer:[/b]
[b]Period of Employment:[/b]
[b]Position: [/b]
[b]Reason for dismissal:[/b] 

[b]Name of Company/Employer:[/b]
[b]Period of Employment:[/b] 
[b]Position: [/b]
[b]Reason for dismissal:[/b] 

[b]3.5 If there are any gaps in between employment, please elaborate on activities, study or anything else that was engaged with during said time period: [/b]


[b]4.1 Do you possess a valid Liberty City driver's license?[/b]

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

[b]4.2 Are you a lawful citizen of the United State of America?[/b]

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

[b]4.3 Please mark one of the following that best applies on the basis of severity:[/b]

[ ] I have a clean Criminal Record.
[ ] I have received Traffic/Infraction citations from Liberty City Law Enforcement that I have paid or had upheld in Court.
[ ] I have been arrested by Liberty City Law Enforcement on Misdemeanour charges which I have pled Guilty/No Contest to or have had upheld in Court.
[ ] I have been arrested by Liberty City Law Enforcement on Felony charges which I have pled Guilty/No Contest to or have had upheld in Court.

[b]Note: At any time during the recruitment process the FDLC reserves the right to perform a background check with Law Enforcement on all FDLC Applicants.[/b]

[center][b]OOC Information[/b][/center]

[b]LCRP Forum name:[/b]
[b]Discord ID:[/b]

[b]How long have you been roleplaying in total?[/b]
[b]Have you ever been a part of another faction?[/b]

[b]Please give us some background into your Character (Minimum 200 words):[/b]

[b]Please provide an unedited Screenshot of your General Admin Record:[/b] [url=LINK]ACCESS[/url]