Public Event Request
The Fire Department of Liberty City's Office of Public Information strives to build new and strengthen existing community relations. As part of the FDLC's commitment to public safety, the Office of Public Information strives to provide all public events with fire, rescue, and emergency medical services. However, this also includes;
- Department assistance in Joint events.
- Fire safety assessments by our Fire Marshals.
- Department presence (including the Office of Public Information).
We ask that you provide us with as much information as feasibly possible including any permits, other applications and so on. If further applications must be made to outside departments, this must be clarified on the application.
Title: [Event Request] Event name [DATEOFEVENT]
Code: Select all
[hr][/hr][header][/header][center][b][size=110]Public Event Request[/size][/b][/center][hr][/hr]
Personal Information
Please fill out your information completely, if you are not with a company, leave the company information empty, otherwise fill out the company information to the best of your ability.
[b]Contact Number:[/b]
[b]Event Role:[/b]
[b]Company/Organization:[/b] [i][size=85](N/A if not applicable)[/size][/i]
[b]COMPANY INFORMATION[/b] [size=85][i](Leave blank if not applicable)[/i][/size]
[b]Name of company/organization:[/b]
[b]Contact Person:[/b]
[b]Contact Phone / Hotline:[/b]
[b]Registered Address:[/b]
Event Information
Please fill out this next section in it's entirety. If something cannot be answered, please put N/A or a short explanation depending on the reason. If you do not have a specific time, date or location decided then please make sure to update us as soon as these are known.
[b]Event Name:[/b]
[b]Location of Event:[/b] Street, Region, LC
[b]Date of Event:[/b] DD/MMM/YYY
[b]Start Time:[/b] 00:00
[b]End Time (Estimated):[/b] 00:00
[b]The time and date of the event is: [/b]
[indent][ ] Confirmed and not subject to change.
[ ] Unconfirmed and may be subject to change.[/indent]
[i]Please describe the event to the best of your abilities.[/i]
[i]Please attach any documents pertaining to permits or photos that are deemed necessary [/i]
Request Information
Please fill out this next section in it's entirety. If something cannot be answered, please put N/A or a short explanation depending on the reason.
[b]What are you requesting?[/b]
[size=85][i]Please tick as many as are appropriate. If requesting presence at the event, please indicate if you require a specific type of unit. If you are unsure, please leave blank.[/i][/size]
[indent][ ] Event Approval / Fire Safety Certification.
[ ] Presence at the event.
[size=85][b]Specific Units Requested:[/b][/size][/indent]
[b]Do you have a Event Permit? [/b]
[size=85][i]A Event Permit is required for all events that take place on land that is legally recognised as public property. If you require one and have not yet applied, please do so via the LCGOV Licensing Division.[/i][/size]
[indent] [ ] Yes. [i][size=85]Please provide this under the documents section[/size][/i]
[ ] No, but event has been submitted. [b]Submittal Date:[/b] [i]DD/MMM/YYYY[/i]
[ ] No. [/indent]
[b]If involving an indoor venue, does it have a valid Fire Safety Certificate? [/b]
[size=85][i]A Fire Safety Certificate is required for all events that take place in a indoors facility that is legally recognised as public property. If you require one and have not yet applied, please do so via the FDLC's Bureau of Fire Prevention.[/i][/size]
[indent] [ ] Yes. [i][size=85]Please provide this under the documents section[/size][/i]
[ ] No, but I have requested an inspection. [b]Request Date:[/b] [i]DD/MMM/YYYY[/i]
[ ] No. [/indent]
[b]Do you have confirmed Law Enforcement presence at the scene?[/b]
[size=85][i]Dependent on the specifics of the event, official presence by a Law Enforcement Agency may be required a the event. If you require one and have not yet applied, please select a Law Enforcement Agency and file a request via their Community Affairs Division.[/i][/size]
[indent][ ] Yes. [i][size=85]Please provide a copy of the confirmation email in the documents section[/size][/i]
[ ] No, but I have emailed them. [b]Date of Email:[/b] [i]DD/MMM/YYYY[/i]
[ ] No.[/indent]
[b]Additional information[/b]
Please utilise this section should you have any additional infomation you wish to provide with your application otherwise leave blank.
[i][size=85]I, the below signed, certify that the information given on this event request form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I also agree to comply with the Fire Department Liberty City, agree to all the event requirements and agree to terms as outlined above. I agree that if I fail to comply with the terms established above, I would be subject to a fine issued by the Fire Department Liberty City. I also agree to inform the Fire Department Liberty City of any cancellations or rescheduling and failing to do would mean I would be subject to a fine issued by the Fire Department Liberty City.[/size][/i]
[b]Print Name:[/b]